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 • Introduced to our topic, met with Dr. Lu and began reading on code smells





  • Continued reading on code smells​

  • Began reading on Data Flow Analysis and Type Analysis for JavaScript





  • First Weekly Presentation

  • Talked with Nabil about Data Flow Analysis

  • Continued reading on TAJS and began looking how to implement code smell detection using TAJS





  • Continued looking at ways to implement code smells in TAJS





 • Implemented the following code smell detectors:

        Short Variable Name, Variable Reassign, Long Method, Long   Parameter List





 • Continued reading on TAJS and Data Flow Analysis

 • Implemented detector for empty catch statements and variable assignment within conditional statements






  • Met with Dr Lu. to discuss our progress

  • read on TAJS





  • Second weekly presentation

  • Found 22 code smells for our presentation to professor Lu.





  • Met with Dr. Lu and Nabil to present 22 code smells

  • implement a detector for too many global variables and variables without using var.





  • Met with Nabil for tips on how to implementation our code smell detectors.

  • implemented a detector for argument and parameter mismatch









  • Cameron's birthday!!

  • Presentation on week 3

  • Began looking at benchmarks and Javascript source codes to test





  • Revised already completed code smell detection algorithms to increase accuracy

  • Began looking into how to develop depth detection algorithm





  • Continued to revise completed algorithms

  • Designed algorithms to detect long method chains, and excessive nesting




  • Corrected The parameter argument mismatch code smell and the excessive nested for loop code smell

  • Met with Nabil to discuss our progress with implementation




  • Began writing our research findings by describing each code smell we have implemented and how we implemented them.

  • We modified the error messages to print out more organized to the user.

  • We searched for new code smells and new benchmarks for testing.




  • Found JavaScript games to test out our code smells

  • Looked for better algorithms for the For-depth and parameter argument mismatch code smells so that they will work on larger, more complex programs




  • Found benchmarks from JsNose to test our code smell detectors.

  • Looked for a better way to implement parameter and argument mismatch so that our detector detect this code smell with function inside of other functions.




  • continued finding ways to improve previous code smells and tested with benchmarks

  • worked on midterm presentation



  • Midterm presentation

  • Revised parameter argument mismatch and this assignment

  • Implemented 2 variables declared twice in one scope code smell

  • watched a video by Elijah Manor on code smells to gain more information get ideas on new code smells

  • began looking at complex switch statement code smell



  • read and watched videos to get a clearer understanding of nested callbacks and began trying to implement a detector

  • looked for ways to get the line number at which a code smell occurs to print it out to the console

  • revised the depth code smells and tested with different programs to determine if the new algorithm works correctly


  • implemented the nested callback code smell and tested this detector on several programs to ensure that it works properly.

  • started implementing the extra bind code smell and read articles to get a better understanding of this code smell.

  • continued to test the depth code smell detector.



  • implemented a detector for complex switch and continued to test the detector for depth

  • read articles for the extra-bind code smell detector and continued trying to implement the detector for it.





  • Created new algorithm for excessive message chain detection

  • continued searching for ways to improve nested callback code smell detector to get rid of false positives



  • continued testing depth code smell detector 

  • worked on a new algorithm for the extra bind code smell



  • workedon the depth algorthim to detect when there is a contine in an if statement 

  • made progress with the algorithm for extra bind code smell



 - Tested parameter argument mismatch, nested callbacks, and extra bind on several benchmark files



-Continued to revise nested callback 
-Worked on rough draft for our research paper



- revised nested callback
-continued testing with benchmarks
-continued working on research paper



 - discussed progress with Dr. Lu
 - looked for ways to find the arguments in function calls within a function



-worked on research paper

-continued working on nested callback algorithm



-implemented the revised algorithm for nested callbacks


-formatted our research paper

tested the revised nested callback detector

-Met with Dr. Lu to discuss our progress



-Worked on poster and research paper


-finalized the poster



Code Smell Detection

Providing tools to detect code smells

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